Red polished pottery of the late Neolithic phase has been unearthed in all the wells of the near rises. These are hand-made pots (earth ware jars with a biconal or egg-shaped body and two small handles right beneath clearly formed shoulder, approx. 20 cm in height, as well as deep hemispherical cups), bearing engraved, painted and relief decoration. The best pots of this type are of superb quality; others, however, are rather rough made. We should also note a fragmentary marble figurine depicting a female figure in the steatopygic form, which is the earliest work of sculpture from Athens.
1. Red polished pots of the Neolithic Period.Agora Museum P 14871 & P 14872 (Thompson-Wycherley, pl. 14a. 14a. Camp, p. 41, εικ. 41, pic.8).
2. Fragmentary marble statuette, 9 cm in height. Μουσείο Αγοράς S 1097 (Thompson-Wycherley, pl. Agora Museum S 1097 (Thompson-Wycherley, pl. 14b). 14b).